group discussing the dangers of heroin

What Are the Dangers of Heroin?

Over the last several decades, heroin use, addiction, and opiate-related deaths have been prevalent across the United States. The country continues to experience an opiate and opioid epidemic, including heroin use and addiction. While many people worry about the increase in OxyContin and fentanyl-related deaths, heroin is still a popular and dangerous opioid. In contrast…

man smiles outside a heroin rehab center arizona

Heroin Rehab Center Arizona: Is Fentanyl Deadlier than Heroin?

With all the attention placed on heroin these days, it is easy to forget that some drugs pack a more powerful punch. One such drug is fentanyl. Numerous studies have shown that it takes a much smaller dosage of fentanyl to harm your body than it does heroin. It is no wonder that a heroin…