woman with heroin addiciton in need of dual diagnosis treatment center

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers

Have you ever questioned the connection between addiction and mental illness? Often addiction and mental health issues co-occur in an individual making it harder to break a substance abuse. In these severe cases, it is best to seek out a dual diagnosis treatment center in order to receive the proper treatment for recovery. Dual diagnosis treatment…

man smiles outside a heroin rehab center arizona

Heroin Rehab Center Arizona: Is Fentanyl Deadlier than Heroin?

With all the attention placed on heroin these days, it is easy to forget that some drugs pack a more powerful punch. One such drug is fentanyl. Numerous studies have shown that it takes a much smaller dosage of fentanyl to harm your body than it does heroin. It is no wonder that a heroin…

a young person sitting in drug addiction treatment in eugene oregon

Drug Addiction Treatment in Eugene Oregon

Opiates are one of the most commonly used and abused drugs in the United States. Rampant abuse of prescription opiates, like Oxycontin, as well as illicit ones, like heroin, have led to a public health emergency. The spike in fatal opiate overdoses, particularly involving fentanyl-laced heroin, has resulted in overdoses becoming the most common cause…

individual holding a needle shows signs of a heroin overdose

Signs of a Heroin Overdose

Heroin is a powerful, habit-forming illicit drug made from morphine. Presently, the American Society of Addiction Medicine says over 517,000 people are hooked on heroin. Usually, heroin is injected or inhaled to produce a pleasurable high without medical benefit. Though, many addicts start using heroin after building up a tolerance to prescription opioids. Of course,…

a man talks to a counselor in a heroin addiction rehab program

What Does a Heroin Addiction Rehab Program Include?

When you want help from a heroin addiction treatment center, what should you look for? How do you know when you find the right heroin addiction rehab program? Furthermore, which programs will help you stay sober for the long term? All of these questions show you want quality rehab treatment. Through this type of commitment…

woman at an oregon heroin addiction rehab center

Oregon Heroin Addiction Rehab

In Oregon and places all over the United States, some types of drug use are on the rise. One example is heroin. With this increased use, finding the best heroin addiction treatment center in Oregon is more important than ever before. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what to look for in an Oregon heroin addiction rehab…